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Michelle Joseph

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Michelle's Great Ocean Road Charity Cycle Event


Dear Friends & Family,

Thankyou for visiting my page!
I will soon be madly cycling 300km over 3 days along the Great Ocrean Road in the name of charity!!! I pray the nice scenery will distract me from my aching legs and bottom!! :p 
I need your kind support to give me extra motivation to do the required training and I also need to raise $1250 in order to participate in the trip!
Although not looking forward to the aching muscles, I am really happy to be part of such a worthwhile cause :-)  All funds I raise will go to Compassion charity which provides food, clothing and education to children in need.
25,000 children die each day of preventable diseases such as diarrhoea, pneumonia, measles and malaria.These diseases are easy and cheap to treat or prevent. This is how the charity I am doing this through '25,000 spins' got its name. Each ride aims to raise at least $25,000 for charity and each ride is approx 25,000 spins of the cyclists legs (With my legs, make that 35,000 :p)
I ask that those of you in a position to sponsor me will give generously to support these truely needy children. It can be easy to take for granted the quality of life and blessings we have in the western world. It is a real privege to be able to help others and be wise with the resources we've been given.
Last year the riders for this same trip raised $112,000 between 30 riders which is a fantastic effort. I'm thrilled to be a part of this and I hope you will join me in making a difference as well! 
‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Jesus. Matt 25:40
"Be the change you want to see in the world" Mahatma Gandhi
I love you all and thank you so much for your support!! :-)
Many blessings,
Michelle xoxo


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Compassion Australia

Compassion Australia is part of a global network of both funding and 25 developing countries that is Compassion International. Together, we are a Christian child advocacy ministry that partners with local churches to release children from poverty in Jesus' name. To find out more or sponsor a child, visit

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